The photo was shot by Gavin Riley, date unknown. The image is of the subject, Parker Gabriel, turned approximately one eighth of the way from the camera, but otherwise facing it.

Somewhat of a troubadour and balladeer, in the folk and rock traditions, Parker (you address him as “Mr. Gabriel” in case you wish to be formal; calling him “Gabriel Parker,” thereby using his FAMILY name BEFORE his PERSONAL name, is a common mistake, as is calling him “PETER Gabriel,” to whom he is NOT related) has most recently pursued music as a source of personal enjoyment, and he now has plans to make something of a rather modest living at it. Guitar is his gratification. He has taken the stage in the Rotunda, near Bartram’s Garden, and at Clark Park, partially on his own and mainly in cooperation with the artists’s collective and collaborative venture calling itself Hook And Loop. He hopes to share the music he has arranged for the “edification and amusement” of his audiences each evening of his residency; patrons are warned, however, that he charges for his appearances, however modestly, as his dues are, in turn, being collected from him. One of his side projects is In-Formal Formals; this offers, at fairly modest prices, wearable art for dressing up–without REALLY dressing up! The said wearable art consists of clothing accessories that Mr. Gabriel assembles himself by sewing them into shape. Thus, for the purpose of dressing up without really dressing up, all you have to lose is a fistful of dollars, and you will then gain a work of art that you can actually wear, which will then come to you straight from the artist himself.