Call for Artists: BrideNext

The Bride is seeking to engage two artists working in any performance medium as part of its BrideNext Project. These artists must be based in Philadelphia, between 21 and 38, and looking to create an immersive, interactive, collaborative performance. One artist’s focus will be on Educational Justice and one will be on Racial Justice.
BrideNext is a project with Philadelphia’s next generation of artists, city workers, activists and residents. BrideNext is about engaging in meaningful ways, inspiring new perspectives, sharing practices, impacting policies, building community, and deepening relationships. Each of the two selected artists will collaborate with BrideNext participants to create a performance that speaks to your generation and makes a difference. Monthly BrideNext events will include art creation, civic dialogues, field trips, listening exchanges, workshops and networking, opportunities for participants to create, lead, act and insure a future for the city with creativity and social justice at the center.
This is what we’re looking for:
• Experience in community arts projects
• Desire to create new work via cross sector collaboration with city workers, activists and artists
• Commitment to social justice issues
This is what we’re offering:
• Rehearsal space
• $5000 Artist Fee and $1000 production budget.
• All supporting functions of the Painted Bride (e.g., marketing, production, etc.) and the opportunity to work with Bride professionals
• Premiere of new performance work will be at the end of October 2017
If interested please send the following to the BrideNext Team at bridenext@localhost/paintedbride
• A bio, including relevant experiences re: community engagement, performances, activism.
• Images and/or clips of past work – max 2 clips and/or 5 images – and/or link to artist’s website
• Description – up to 500 words – of project ideas for BrideNext. Theatre artists, storytellers, dancers, performers, poets and musicians, and artists of all races, genders are welcome and encouraged to contact us! Deadline to submit is Friday, March 3rd.
Thanks for the work you do.