Job Opening: BrideNext Project Manager

BrideNext Project Manager
Are you a community organizer who loves the arts? An artist who has organized communities? Are you an artist activist? Are you a leader who knows how to listen? Are you passionate about social justice? Would your friends say you have a sense of humor? Are you a good follower as well as a good leader?
Painted Bride Art Center is seeking a Project Manager for BrideNext, a new project to deepen the Bride’s relationship with Philly artists, city workers, activists, and residents between 24 and 35 years old. Directed by theater artist and activist Marty Pottenger, BrideNext will include art creation, civic dialogues, field trips, workshops and networking. A part-time temporary position, the project starts November 2016 through November 2017.
Basic Job Duties
- Organize a series of bi-weekly activities to build participation including workshops, screenings, conversations, etc.
- Identify and assist in development of strategic partnerships to engage specific community groups and constituencies
- Manage consistent communications among project participants, partners, and the public
- Provide administrative support to artist Marty Pottenger
- Manage mailing lists, and social media. Work with Bride marketing department to ensure continuity of messages and all promotional materials.
- Track activities and attendance.
- Manage ongoing feedback and evaluation process
- Track, Encourage, Organize BrideNext Advisory Board’s activities
Skills: Strong organization skills, responsible self-starter, excellent written and verbal communication, experience working in communities, passion for social justice, experience in the arts and with artists.
To apply send cover letter and resume to Laurel Raczka at laurel@localhost/paintedbride.