Philly Jazz: Fresh Cut from the Vine – Primer
If you love jazz, but consider yourself a novice (like me!) here’s a starting point to get you up to speed so you can groove with us this Saturday for Philly Jazz: Fresh Cut from the Vine
– Painted Bride has been presenting jazz, in all its forms, for 40 years. Four. Zero. We are home to the longest running jazz series in Philadelphia. The longevity alone should help you trust our judgment when it comes to finding new talent.
– When artists collaborate, they create something that brings their own work to new heights. Think Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong or Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. The possibilities are endless when it comes to collaboration. Last year, the Bride featured a sell-out show called Skins & Songs. It was a collaboration between Bride favorites Spoken Hand Percussion Orchestra and Phillip Hamilton’s Voices – a perfect example of the kind of work that can be created when distinct groups are brought together.
– The Bride is hardly the only place in Philly to catch new jazz; it’s just one of the bigger venues welcoming new work. Places like Ortleib’s and Chris’s Jazz Cafe are great venues and provide a breeding ground where new players or recent music school grads can jam with more experienced players in the business.
– Josh, Anwar, and Jason, the musicians you’ll see on Saturday and the main collaborators for Fresh Cut, have done the club circuit and have plenty of experience backing up bigger acts. Just check out theirbiographies! Our music curator, Lenny Seidman, recognized their talent and wanted to give them a chance to step to the front of a bigger stage, and show a wider audience what they can do as leaders in the jazz community.
– How about a sneak peak of the gents playing together? Here they are performing live for on WRTI this past Friday night for J. Michael Harrison’s show, “The Bridge”
Where can you buy tickets? –> RIGHT HERE
by Siobhan Groves – Box Office & Rentals Manager